Alzheimer’s Symptoms – I Wish I Knew Then

Alzheimer’s Symptoms – I Wish I Knew Then

Soooo many things I wish I knew then, that I know now.   checkBailing someone out of debt will not solve their problem checkBe sure to make life decisions for YOUR life; not the life someone else says you should have. checkYou will likely be 

Enough Time – You Never Know

Enough Time – You Never Know

Nick John Time. We’d like to think we have enough.  My colleague, Nick John, like every other weekday morning, caught the subway for downtown. But that Tuesday morning, instead of heading to the Chase Tower and his office, he walked down Fulton to his breakfast 

BFFs Revisited over 60

BFFs Revisited over 60

Barb Here. You know that old kids’ song, “Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold.” Both types of friends are invaluable so I hate to imply that one is more precious than the other. (And really, silver seems 

Transition Planning

Transition Planning

In my post on Monday, I mentioned Karen and I are familiar with the signs of “transition”, having cared for my Dad during the last weeks of his life. Transition is the term used to describe the phase of life when one –well – transitions