Weight – It’s a Heavy Topic

Before I get started, let me say up front – it’s all relative. I get that some of you are a lot smaller, bigger, younger, older, etc., etc., etc., than I. This post is about me and my experience – which is probably not that dissimilar from something you may have faced a time or two – only with different statistics. Regardless of those statistics, it’s the emotions, the frustration and that feeling that is nothing short of HORROR, that I believe we have in common. Weight loss – it’s a heavy topic. And so, with that…
An organized approach.
Normally, I’m not terribly organized. Those who know me would say THAT is an understatement. But, when I have a goal and am committed, I’m very organized and determined. Health, weight, skincare, generally taking care of yourself has always been important to me… for the most part.
I’m a moderate when it comes to health and wellness.
I’ve not opted for a face lift or any other surgical procedures. I’m afraid to have anything DONE to my face so I’ve stuck with topical anti-aging stuff. I’ve never been one to diet often, and even when I did I didn’t do the crazy crash diets. I’ve not gone overboard with excessive exercise, eating/dieting, nor have I ever had that wacky tri-athlete/marathon goal. Overall, I feel my approach to maintaining a healthy life has been fairly balanced, although the exercising could have been more consistent. It’s a moderate approach that has worked for me.
We see what we want to see.
Isn’t it funny how we see ourselves in the mirror; how we can look at ourselves and see someone much more / or less that we are? Over the last year, I could see that I was gaining weight. There was a bit more padding around my waist, hips, and thighs. Yes, I could see that. Still, my now size 8 and 10 body seemed to still look ok. Again, I know hearing me whine about a size 8 may have you thinking of slapping me around– but it IS relevant.
So, about my earlier comment about being organized… In order to track success in anything it has to be measured, right? Well, this morning, 20 August, 2018, I measured.
OMG! What the hell!!!!!
If comparing this morning’s measurements with those I took in April 2014 wasn’t depressing enough this morning’s numbers versus the measures from February 2013 sealed it.
OMG, is all I can say. Really. If we are going to be real on this blog – it doesn’t get more real than this. My “measures”. Look at this and tell me you don’t feel my pain (and nausea).
R Arm
L Arm
R Thigh
L Thigh
Weight[/one_fourth_first][one_fourth]February 2013
9 ¾
123[/one_fourth][one_fourth]April 2014
9 ½
38 ½
130[/one_fourth][one_fourth_last]August 2018
23 ½
23 ¼
The numbers might not LOOK that different between 2013 and 2018, but in 2013 my 37-inch hips were tight and 99% muscle. The 40 inches on which I now sit is a dimpled, lumpy, misshapen mass of flabby ass. My sweet man tells me my butt reminds him of a golf ball.
I’ll spare you all and forgo the picture to show that, as unkind as it was, his comment wasn’t untrue.
Cursing allowed.
Fuck. What am I going to do? Part of me says, “You’re over 60 now. Your body changes and you can’t expect to stay the same. I’m ok with a few extra pounds, I deserve it.” Whatever it is you say to yourself – it’s kidding yourself. You know. Your body does change, and you can’t expect it to stay the same. Still, your ass shouldn’t be reminiscent of a golf ball.
Ok. Now what?
It has to be Stupid Easy
For me to be successful, I can’t have to think. It has to be simple, ready to go, no effort. Last year I was in a similar situation andsigned up with South Beach Diet. They shipped me a cargo container of frozen dinners and shake mixes. (Thank goodness we had a 2nd refrigerator is all I can say.) While I missed being able to have a glass of wine or a cocktail, it was relatively “easy”. I didn’t have to think. Every meal, snack was programmed. I didn’t, however, exercise regularly. A yoga here. A long walk there. But, not near enough to tighten or firm anything up, although I did drop about 10 pounds.
Fast forward to today. The 10 pounds are back. The South Beach food, while successful, wasn’t GREAT, so I have decided to try something else. This morning I signed up with BistroMD. It’s a bit more expensive and relatively new (I think), but I like the way they address eating as something that is a lifelong process. They don’t have a period of extreme sugar, fat, etc. elimination – but a solid, healthy diet. It’s something that won’t help you drop the weight fast, but it’s not speed I want – but new, good habits. However – now that I’ve signed up, I’m 2nd guessing my decision.
- First, I didn’t get a confirmation email after the purchase. (Update: I spoke w/Fran in the afternoon. All is good.)
- Second, I’m not sure when the first shipment is coming. One place shows between 21 and 26 August. Another shows the week of 28 August. (Update: Fran gave me the delivery info I needed.)
- Third, I don’t see a place where I can find the nutritional values for the day, only meal by meal. That’s not user friendly. (Dang: I forgot to ask Fran.)
- And forth, I called the customer service number to speak with them about all this and had to leave a voice mail. Huh? I then emailed the customer service but have not yet heard back from them. So, the jury is still out. I’ll update you as the process goes on. (Got a call-back within 4 hours. Not bad.)
If you want to check them out, www.bistromd.com/. I’ll keep you posted on my experience with them.
Again, my primary objective is to drop 10 pounds, firm up and lose a few of the dimples in my ass. My goal will be the 2014 measures, not 2013. I think that’s pretty reasonable.
Now, of course in the middle of all this is my month in France. Yes, I’m leaving home on 14 September and returning 20 October. Still, I will remain aware of what I’m consuming. But, no, the 1200 calories a day will not be part of my life during that month. However, I commit to NOT coming back carrying any more weight than what I left with. Unless it’s a lovely Chanel something or other packed away in my bag.
Time to throw a rock.
To support this objective and goal I will improve my eating habits, consuming no more than 1200 calories a day until I reach 130 lbs. I’m also committing to regular physical activity 6 days a week. This includes yoga classes with the ever-amazing Katy, at her studio Body and Shine Wellness. (If you’re ever in Austin/Elgin area, you should check her classes out. I was amazed (and thankful) to find her in this little town.) While I hope to one day do a half-moon without falling on my head, I can’t commit to that. I am proud to say that I can finally touch my toes. “What is a half-moon pose?”, you ask.
Surprise: I’m teaching tonight!!! Come see me at 6:30pm for Flow (don’t be scared, this isn’t what we’re doing, I just didn’t have a post ready since this was a last minute change ?)
Posted by Body and Shine Wellness on Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Check this out – see second 12-13 (19-18 seconds remaining). Yowza.
So ladies – in summary. Starting today – at 140 lbs and the measurements noted above. I will achieve 2014 measures by Thanksgiving. I also commit to maintaining these measures through New Year’s Day.
My rock has been thrown. (See the end of Barb’s post for more on rock tossing.)