What’s a DEVA

Barb Here:
Lynnelle and I met a few years after EW and I had moved aboard the boat; just before her divorce. She is the only deep and lasting non-boating friend I’ve made since moving aboard. New land-dwellers we meet seem to find people who live aboard “interesting”, maybe “fun”, but mainly “different”.
But not Lynnelle! Evidently, in Texas if you want to talk to your girlfriend you put on your high-heeled boots and get yourself on over to her home—and it just doesn’t matter if your friend’s front “walk” is a 100-foot dock.
I loved that!
Lynnelle is nothing like me and I am nothing like Lynnelle. Well, we’re both women over 60. Actually we are exactly 60. More importantly, we both have a great sense of humor and can laugh at ourselves and each other. We both like dogs. We both prefer to be self-employed. We both can be a bit sharp-tongued. But that’s pretty much it.
Here’s how we compare:
- Tall, large boned
- Puts on weight easily
- Attractive
- Not fashion conscious (AT ALL)
- Married 32 years
- Lives on a boat
- Loves sailing to unfamiliar harbors in numerous countries
- Oh, and has worn Tevas nearly daily for over 8 years. Lynnelle understands.
- Petite to medium
- Nicely curvy
- Beautiful
- Loves Chanel & Hermes
- Divorced
- Land dweller and property owner
- Loves exploring Europe, particularly France – ESPECIALLY Paris
- Oh, and has many pairs of high heeled shoes and boots. Her high heels are banned from Barb’s boat. Lynnelle understands.
When Lynnelle came up with the obviously brilliant idea of combining our talents and wit to create a blog for women over 60, we knew that our union would have three strengths: Our similarities, our differences, and our friends-for-life status that thrives despite those differences (and the occasional disagreement).
Heels and Tevas is not be a fashion blog—in part because even Lynnelle would find that boring—but our styles will certainly be part of the story as will our friendship and our differences. From wild idea, we immediately moved to naming the blog. What title could convey our affinity despite our diverse goals, desires, and closets?
Heels and Tevas
Once we latched on to “Heels and Tevas”, nothing else would do. Lynnelle wears heels (not every day; well not at home or in a casual setting; well mostly not when at home or in a casual setting; well …she has sneakers and I’ve seen her wear them. Really.), and I wear Tevas (not when going to a business meeting; well most business meetings; I have wedge sandal with one-inch heels and that’s tall enough).
Lynnelle Here
After Barb shouted out “Heels and Tevas!” we started riffing on the concept. The Diva discussion ensued and Barb claimed the title, Teva Diva. Guess what, by default, ended up being my title…
But was it d-I-va or d-E-va?
So, I looked up the “D-word” and sent Barb the following note.
Diva: a bitchy woman who must have her way exactly, or no way at all.
-or, more preferably…
Diva: a celebrated female singer; a woman of outstanding talent in the world of opera, and by extension in theatre, cinema and popular music. (We can add blogging to that definition and we’re good to go.)
I also found this:
Deva: means “heavenly, divine, anything of excellence”, and is also one of the terms for a deity in Hinduism.
I don’t think we could pull off Deva…Let’s be sure to spell Diva with an ‘i’; not an ‘e’.
So, welcome to Heels and Tevas, two Divas (with an “i”) and friends who DO love to get our way, but also strive to be honest, humorous, are rarely bitchy, and even more rarely – heavenly.
Heels spirit and Tevas soul
So refreshing to find a blog for those of us who feel 30 but for some reason dye our hair and have loose-fitting skin. Congrats on your new endeavor? Hope it is fabulously successful!
Thanks so much, Janet! We’re excited, too. We knew we weren’t alone in feeling waaaay younger than our birth certificate indicated. When you have a chance, we’d love to hear your feedback, thoughts, and suggestions. Our hope is that his becomes more of a discussion with the tribe sharing with each other as much (if not more) that we’re posting.
Thanks again!