Bodycon Be Gone!

Could it be?? The bodycon is out of style – FINALLY?? Please tell me it’s so! All I have to say about that is, Bodycon be Gone – and good riddance!
What an unforgiving style. Like a bikini, way too many people wear bodycon dresses than should. I USED to think 60 was old, the same way I USED to look good in a bodycon dress. And even if I did still rock the body to wear it, as a woman over 60, I wouldn’t do it. That being said, THE STYLE has been bodycon for the last few years. Do you know how difficult it was to find a stylish, attractive dress that was NOT skin-tight and still look stylish? Wicked hard.
The Search for a Normal Dress – No Clinging Allowed
When Kurt and I decided to get married earlier this year (March), we opted for a very informal ceremony. By informal I mean private and quick. I still wanted to wear a dress, though. I looked all over – Nordstrom’s and Nordstrom’s Rack, Neimans and Last Call, Macy’s and all over the internet. Maybe if my budget had been a couple of hundreds higher, it would have been easier to find, but at my budget, it was almost impossible. I didn’t want ANY part of my dress hugging ANY part of me, which was next to impossible to find.
I finally found, searching on of all places, a suitable dress. In a way, it’s pretty boring. Nothing special about it, really. But, it’s simple, classic and not frumpy – or clingy. It accentuates your figure in a way that doesn’t highlight the bad bits.

It’s a bit difficult to see in the picture, but – I think it ticked all the boxes. What do you think?
So this brings me to the styles that “THEY” say are “IN” next year. I’m excited that bodycon is missing from the “What to wear in 2020” list, however, I’m not sure I’m thrilled about what IS on the list.
What styles to wear in 2020 – now that Bodycon is OUT of style
- Bold Colors (depends)
- Boxy, Structured Silhouettes (Perhaps the style should be “3 sizes too big“)
- Tie-dyed Patterns (been there, done that –about 4 decades ago)
- Mixed Patterns (Uhm. No)
- Prairie dresses (Oh, no!)
- Ruffles (Noooo!!)
- Big or puffed shoulders – a là 1980 (HAIL NOOOOOO!!!)
Here’s the WhoWhatWear article, “I’m a 64-Year-Old Editor—Here’s Everything I’d Buy From Zara Right Now” Look through here and let me know what you’d wear (or wouldn’t).
The good news, the bodycon is out of style! And besides, we’ve lived enough to know we aren’t required to follow “shoulds” or “should nots”. Except for maybe not pulling on Superman’s coat.
Ugh! Those new fashions are SO ugly. (Thumbs up for Lynnelle’s simple, classic style. )
On the other hand, I left the house today in gray sweatpants, a brown print t-shirt that didn’t match the pants, hair uncombed…equally unattractive. Did I care? I did not. One of the great privileges of retirement; I count my blessings every day that I can relax my standards of dress.
Here, Here! I’m with you, Amber. I’m going through all my clothes and weeding out the corporate (which also have suddenly shrunk in size, since retirement)… and looking to repurpose them through Poshmark. But, thank goodness the bodycon style is on the way out – or, at least making way for other, more flattering-for-all styles. (PS – As I type this I believe I have on the outfit you just described. 🙂 Except for the black tee-shirt.